Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Eli's Famous Blog

This is my first blog entry. I am typing this myself. I am a slow typer now, but I will get faster with each post.


  1. Great job Eli! Im so impressed that you are doing your own blog. I hope you have lots of fun putting things up here. We started our school year yesterday!

  2. Eli you are growing up so fast. Now look at you, typing and using the computer. You are a very smart boy and Papa and I know that you will do an excellent job on your creative corner. Let us know if we can help you with this project. We love you
    Grammy and Papa

  3. Eli - we are looking forward to reading about your ideas and creations. What a great way to let us know what you are thinking and doing. I will check your blog often for new posts. Love, Mimi

  4. Wow Eli I am soo proud of you! You are a fabulous typer and I'm sure you will get faster, especially with this fantastic new blog! I don't know many 7 year olds with a blog so you must be the coolest one out there! I love you buddy!


  5. SWEET!! I wish I would have been able to be this cool...having my own blog at your age. This will be very cool to see where this goes. You'll be able to post pictures that you take as well as 'creations' (recipies) that work out well. So cool!

  6. This is pretty cool, Eli!! I'll look forward to seeing more posts in the near future. Keep it up! :)

  7. Hey Buddy - How fun! I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Love ya! Aunt Erin

  8. Where were you when the picture was taken of you in the water? Who were you with? Was the day fun?

  9. Awesome job Eli, and I love the picture of you in the pool.

    Your Mom's Friend Grace

  10. Hey Lil Buddy, good job on the blog it looks better than mine already!! ;) Keep up the good work!
    ~Ashley~ from Co-op

  11. How awesome Eli!!! Keep up the blogging!!
